About the CDD
The Preserve at Wilderness Lake Community Development District (CDD) is a local, special purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes as amended, and created by ordinance of Pasco County as an alternative method of planning, acquiring, operating and maintaining community-wide improvements in planned communities. A CDD provides the “solution” to Florida’s need to provide valuable community infrastructure generated by growth, ultimately without overburdening other governments and their taxpaying residents. Community Development Districts represent a major advancement in Florida’s effort to manage its growth effectively and efficiently. This allows a community to establish higher construction standards, meanwhile providing a long-term solution to the operation and maintenance of the community’s facilities.
Community Development District Organization
The Preserve at Wilderness Lake CDD is organized similar to other local governments in Florida, in that the legislative body is composed of a five-member board known as the Board of Supervisors. The Board establishes the policy of the District in accordance with Florida law. The Board, by law, must hire a District Administrator. In addition, the Board may choose to employ other staff such as District Counsel and District Engineer. Staff members operate utilizing the same formalities as a County Administrator and County Attorney. The Board, through review of advertised Requests for Qualifications, ranks and selects a District Engineer to perform the engineering needs of the District. District Administration staff and the District Attorney administer the operations of the District and implement the Board’s policies and contracts.
District Administration
The General Manager’s responsibilities include:
- Preparation and submittal of a proposed operations and maintenance budgets for Board review and action
- Preparation of contract specifications for District operations, including community appearance, waterway management, street lighting and facilities maintenance
- File all required forms and documents with state and local agencies
- Attend all Board of Supervisor meetings – implement the policies of the Board
- Additional duties as directed by the Board
- Management and supervision of on-site staff and facilities.
Contact the District Office to obtain more information.
The Lodge at Wilderness Lake Preserve
21320 Wilderness Lake Boulevard
Land O’ Lakes, Florida 34637
Phone: 813-995-2437
Fax: 813-995-2436
Community Manager Email: Manager@wlplodge.com
Lodge Hours of Operation
Sunday: Noon - 9:00 PM
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 10:00 PM
Fitness Center Hours of Operation
Open 365 days with access card
5:00 AM - 11:00 PM
This is a resident driven class. Cost: Free
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